Former Dem Dov Hikind blasts Clinton, Harris for...

A former Democrat from New York criticized Hillary Clinton and Vice President Kamala Harris over their remarks about a Trump campaign rally at Madison Square Garden.

Progressive moment is done, Kamala’s energy dishonesty and...

“One reason voters feel they don’t know what Kamala Harris would do if elected is because she isn’t...

Medical Journal Trots Out Trite The Handmaid’s Tale...

A new article in the New England Journal of Medicine claims that to encourage larger families is oppressive...

Anuzis tells conservatives to vote, warns that ‘every...

"Vote. Yes, it's time. Vote and get your family and friends to vote. As conservatives, more than most people, we realize that elections have consequences," advises Saul Anuzis, former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party and current president of 60 Plus Association, a seniors-advocacy group.

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