That’s knot funny!

Not since Washington jailed former and future Mayor Marion Barry for crack cocaine possession has the capital city seen such a scandal. On Oct. 23, protesters and city politicians gathered outside a local business to decry a great injustice. One speaker branded the business full of “racists.” “I am upset, regardless of my previous employment, […]

Nate Silver’s risky business

Several years after being drummed out of polite progressive society because of his accurate political predictions, the statistician, pundit, and poker player Nate Silver is riding high. Silver’s hugely popular Substack and highly precise (and proprietary) election forecasting model have vaunted him to the pinnacle of public figurehood. And while his departure from mainstream media […]

All the world is Al Pacino’s stage

The year is 1945 and a future world-famous actor is honing his craft in a tiny sixth-story apartment in the South Bronx, where he lives with his grandparents and single mother. He is reenacting a scene from The Lost Weekend, a movie he recently saw with his mom. It’s the scene where the main character, […]

Which presidential candidate can best confront profligate spending...

In July of last year, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office triggered panic when it warned that projected payments on interest on the national debt would outpace defense spending, as well as nondefense discretionary spending. And that interest payment would outpace Medicare spending by 2046. Just 14 months later, the cost of interest on our $35 […]

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