California’s far-left agenda hurts the national economy

Under the Constitution of the United States, Congress has broad power to regulate commerce among the states and the power to prevent the individual states from interfering in the free flow of commerce. Today, in too many respects, Congress has ceded political and economic power to the state of California. That delegation of power harms […]

Media bias opens the door to media innovation

America’s legacy media institutions again disgraced themselves when CBS 60 Minutes edited Vice President Kamala Harris‘s jumbled answer to a question about the turbulence in the Middle East to make her seem more articulate. Instances like this, which expose Harris’s struggle to engage in meaningful policy discussions, are a big part of why her staff has shielded […]

China wreaks havoc on America with cyber typhoons

As war clouds loom over the Western Pacific, there are alarming signs that America has already lost the intelligence war to China. Communist China’s intent to forcibly overturn America’s historic dominance in the waters of east Asia, sooner rather than later, is not in doubt. The People’s Liberation Army’s most recent maneuvers around Taiwan, involving more […]

Off message: In major newsrooms, asking questions is...

Do not ask questions. Do not challenge established dogma. Do not confront favored subjects. These are the rules at legacy media outlets in 2024. In order to be a journalist at one of these favored institutions, one essentially has to agree not to do any journalism at all.  On Sept. 30, CBS Mornings anchor Tony […]

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