Biden to use foreign policy speech in final...

President Biden plans to deliver a major foreign policy speech outlining what he believes to be the key parts of his legacy as part of his farewell to the country, according to a senior administration official.

End the appeasement

A nation must stand up to its enemies. Long ago, when the Danes swept across the North Sea into what is now England, its rulers tried to pay off the Danes with gold. Historians call that the “Danegeld.” However, the bribes did not work. The Danes kept coming back for more and ultimately took all of what […]

Trump can pressure the Russian economy to get...

President-elect Donald Trump promises to bring peace to Ukraine shortly after he takes office on Jan. 20. Many speculate that he will pressure President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s leader, to accept ceasefire terms heavily favorable to Russia. This is unlikely. Trump has surrounded himself with advisers and officials who understand that Russia cannot be negotiated with […]

Trump should cut off fake major non-NATO allies

When a U.S. president bestows major non-NATO ally status on countries, it is not just an honorific. The status bestows privileges on the recipient, allowing it favorable access to materials and supplies and even technologies still in the testing process. Major non-NATO allies also often preposition supplies and undertake regular training with the U.S. military. […]


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