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Cruz demands info from Stacey Abrams’ new group on its push to ban gas stoves

Ted Cruz is demanding information from Rewiring America and the Rocky Mountain Institute on what role they played in the administration’s efforts to impose a ban on gas stoves.

GOP senator ‘p—ed off’ by Russia forcing down US drone: ‘We cannot allow that to happen’

Republican Sen. Mike Rounds said Wednesday that the U.S. "cannot allow" to go unanswered the alleged incident of a Russian jet clipping a U.S. military drone.

San Francisco Board Signals Support for $5 Million Reparations Payment for Black Residents

The acceptance of the draft does not mean the board will ultimately approve all of the proposals included therein.

This Day in Liberal Judicial Activism—March 15

Ruth Joan Bader is born in Brooklyn, New York.

Another of the Adverse Effects of the Diversity Mania

Rick Sander shows that mismatch is not only real but worse than previously thought.

Blocking the JetBlue–Spirit Merger Won’t Revitalize the Airline Industry

The Biden administration is, yet again, using antitrust to remedy a problem it is ill-suited to solve.

Missing the Signs at Silicon Valley Bank

Financial regulators should have seen this coming — the fact that they didn’t raises serious questions about Dodd-Frank.

Catholic Bookstore Owner Challenges Jacksonville Law Requiring Use of Preferred Pronouns

Christie DeTrude’s lawyers believe she would be in legal jeopardy if she stated her beliefs about sex on her website.

Don’t Eliminate One of America’s Best Spy Tools

A key statutory means of gathering intelligence on foreign adversaries is set to expire soon. Here’s why Congress should renew it.

Stop the Chaos: Law Schools Need to Crack Down on Student Disrupters Now

Administrators who promote intolerance don’t belong in legal education. And students who practice intolerance don’t belong in the legal profession.

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