Sen. Grassley says the State Department has found only $19k out of $40 million 'questioned costs' surrounding Afghanistan aide was allowable, over 2 years from a watchdog's damning report
Baltimore is one of the highest-funded school systems in the country, but it delivers some of the worst educational outcomes, an education reformer says.
Every week political cartoonists throughout the country and across the political spectrum apply their ink-stained skills to capture the foibles, memes, hypocrisies and other...
Three employees of Central State Hospital have been charged with murder in the death of Irvo Otieno, following charges filed against seven Henrico sheriff's deputies earlier this week.
Credit Suisse, the Swiss bank that neared a full-blown crisis this week, has a board member who has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party's key influence campaign arm.
House Homeland Security Committee Republicans, after a day of bombshell testimony from Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, are looking at next steps in their investigations.
Florida Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, who introduced a bill requiring some employers to pay for detransitions, criticized Biden for his comments on transgender children.