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Kamala Harris says restricting abortions is ‘immoral’

Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday called state Republican lawmakers who want to put restrictions on abortion "immoral."

House panel exposes China-linked payments to Hunter Biden, Hallie Biden

President Biden's daughter-in-law Hallie Biden was among several family members who pocketed payouts after a Hunter Biden associate received a $3 million wire payment from a Chinese energy company, a House committee revealed Thursday.

China’s new cyber policy: Obey Xi and ban global ‘disinformation’

The Chinese Communist Party has unveiled a new white paper on the rule of law on the internet. The short version: it's all about obedience to the great leader Xi Jinping, stupid.

DeSantis’s comments show how COVID was a pandemic of the indoctrinated

During a recent interview with Glenn Beck, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) discussed the lockdowns of the COVID pandemic. He mentioned the criticism he received for not being as strict as the Democrats and authoritative health experts wanted. He specifically noted the Public Health Bureau and highlighted one of the biggest acts of hypocrisy during the pandemic — the support of the George Floyd protests amid a pandemic shutdown by the same people who condemned DeSantis for allowing people to leave their homes for other purposes.

The weird belief that everyone should drive a plug-in car

I think plug-in electric cars are really cool. I’d like to own one eventually. There are many ways in which plug-in electrics are superior to gasoline-powered cars, including some of the reasons I switched my outdoor power equipment from gas-powered to DeWalt 60-volt-battery powered.

How and why the US must prevent Russia from downing more drones

Although it seems to have been accidental, Russia downed a U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone operating in international airspace on Tuesday. The question: How to prevent a similar incident from occurring in the future?

San Francisco advances its reparations plan, has no idea how to pay for it

San Francisco’s plan to give $5 million in reparations to each qualifying black resident in the city continues to move forward. One minor detail that no one has worked out yet is where that money is going to come from.

Maternal mortality rate rose again in 2021, hitting Black women hardest: report

Maternal mortality rates for American women rose again in 2021, hitting Black women particularly hard, according to newly released data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There were 32.9 deaths for every 100,000 live births in 2021, up from 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019, per the CDC. Among Black women, the maternal...

Utah’s Cox says he will sign divisive social media bill restricting minors

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) on Thursday said he’ll sign a divisive bill restricting minors from using social media without parental permission. Cox said at a meeting with reporters that he’ll “absolutely” sign the social media bills sent to his desk this session: Utah Senate Bill 152 would require social media companies to verify that...

How Congress can compel global divestment from China’s forced labor

Many of the multinational firms complicit in China’s labor abuse continue to raise funds in U.S. capital markets.

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