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Florida lawmaker pushing to make ‘woke’ employers responsible for detransitions fires back at Biden

Florida Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, who introduced a bill requiring some employers to pay for detransitions, criticized Biden for his comments on transgender children.

A new book that has the lottery’s number

For A Dollar and a Dream sheds vital light on Americans who waste far too much money pursuing an unreachable jackpot.

Requiem for a gag

As audience eyeballs become increasingly difficult to draw away from phones and video games, movies and television have become reliant on proven quantities from the past.

Michigan is headed back to Rust Belt poverty

Since the early days of Henry Ford, Michigan was the proud symbol of America’s industrial might.

Chaim Topol, 1935-2023

His 'Tevye the Milkman' solidified Yiddish literature's mainstream crossover.

How to curb the threat of Iranian drones

Iran’s drone manufacturing enterprise has been long in the making. It started more than three decades ago during the war with Iraq in the '80s. When the longest conventional conflict of the 20th century ended in 1988, Iran didn’t abandon its drone program.

The end of women’s colleges?

When the meaning of “woman” is reduced to a political class, what is the point of women’s colleges, anyway?

Specialist Grundle and the magic rock

Late last year I told you about Specialist Grundle, with whom I served in the war in Afghanistan. You probably tried to block out the memory of Grundle, and I don’t blame you. Back in 2004, I was stuck with this guy for a year. His crazy antics wouldn’t stop. His weight alone was grounds for denial of promotion to sergeant, but Grundle was furious at his team leader for “stealing” the position he imagined was his.

Biden isn’t even trying to secure the southern border

Any doubt that President Joe Biden is to blame for the crisis at the southern border was erased by Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz's testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee in McAllen, Texas.

Biden’s proposed budget would throw billions at ATF amid controversial new gun ownership rules

President Biden plans to throw billions of taxpayer dollars at the ATF amid its controversial new rules cracking down on gun owner rights across the country.

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