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Germany to send battle tanks to Ukraine 

After weeks of pressure from Western allies, Germany on Wednesday announced it will send battle tanks to Ukraine as the Kyiv’s war with Russia wages on, a move that may spur the U.S. to do the same.  Germany is set to send 14 Leopard 2 battle tanks and approve other countries’ requests to do the...

The Federal Minimum Wage Is Irrelevant to Most Workers

And that’s a good thing.

Republicans slam attempted appointments of Schiff, Swalwell to Intel Committee: ‘National security liability’

Top House Republicans are warning the appointment of Democrats Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff by Hakeem Jeffries would be detrimental to the national security of the U.S.

New emails show Hochul’s COVID test pay-to-play still stinks to high heaven

Albany Dems, of course, are refusing to investigate. "I take her at her word," said Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins of the governor's flimsy...

How ‘killer robots’ can help us learn from mistakes made in AI policies

The use of lethal robots for law enforcement has turned from a science fiction concept to news snippets, thanks to recent high-profile debates in San Francisco and Oakland, Calif., as well as their actual use in Dallas. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 8-3 to grant police the ability to use ground-based robots for...

Veterans Look to House GOP Majority to Get Answers on Afghanistan Withdrawal

It’s essential for Congress to investigate this foreign-policy disaster.

WI Gov. Tony Evers proposes tax cuts for middle class, 20% of sales tax revenue to help fund local communities

Gov. Tony Evers proposed that Michigan should allocate 20% of the state's sales tax revenue to help fund local communities. He also proposed tax cuts for the middle class.

Woke ‘ESG’ investors guilty of anti-Semitism as they target Israel

Israel boycotters have a new home for waging economic war against the world’s only Jewish state: environmental, social and governance ratings.

Don’t foul up the federal supply chain with global warming nonsense

For the Biden administration, climate is everything, and everything is climate. The latest example of this single-minded obsession is a proposed amendment to the Federal Acquisition Regulation that would require “certain Federal contractors disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related financial risk and set science-based targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.”

Uncertainty hangs over Iraqi Kurdistan in 2023

In his recent visit to Iraq, the White House coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Brett McGurk, focused much of his attention on Iraqi Kurdistan. This region has been a relatively stable part of Iraq, post-2003, but now faces a heightened risk of internal fragmentation and external threat. Frequent foreign attacks undermine prospects...

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