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Biden to double down on attacks against GOP during remarks on economy at Virginia union hall

President Biden is expected to deepen his feud with Republicans over the economy on Thursday as he delivers what the White House is calling his first major economic speech of the year at a union hall in Virginia.

Biden’s FCC nominee sits on board of group that opposes anti-sex trafficking efforts

Gigi Sohn, President Biden's nominee for the Federal Communications Commission, serves on the board of directors for a group that has opposed efforts to combat online sex trafficking.

GOP brawl: The competitive, combustible, bitter battle for Republican National Committee chair

The battle between RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel and top challenger Harmeet Dhillon has turned combative ahead of Friday's election to steer the GOP the next.

After Chesa Boudin, new San Francisco DA cracks down on crime, but anti-cop views stall progress

After a district attorney recall thrusted Brooke Jenkins into power this summer, the new DA has been tougher on crime, a San Francisco activist told Fox News.

This migrant mess is ruining NYC’s Midtown

Mayor Eric Adams announced he’s going to turn yet another ­hotel into a shelter for illegal migrants in the middle of the theater district.

Al Sharpton helped create the crime crisis he claims he’s trying to solve

Sharpton shouldn’t be applauded for trying to put out flames to a fire he helped ignite.

Fuss over Ukraine tanks shows the world has no substitute for America’s defense industry

Do not get too excited. Ukrainian officials stress that their military needs hundreds of tanks to fight off the Russians.

The #DiedSuddenly ‘epidemic,’ Santos the lightning rod and other commentary

“A troubled, uncertain public is increasingly turning to a single, ominous explanation” for events like the near-death of Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin, note Vinay...

Finding peak travel outfits with Alan Cumming

Tired of humdrum downtown Madagascar and rural Swaziland, Alan Cumming sandwiched his trip to Bhutan between concerts in Australia, New Zealand and some AARP...

RNC challenger not ready to concede to McDaniel

DANA POINT, Calif. — The Republican National Committee’s 168 members and their guests buzzed around the Waldorf Astoria on Wednesday, all under the same...

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