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Another Once-Fringe Notion in the Covid Debate Has Gone Mainstream

Time magazine is out with fascinating studies on Covid and hospitalizations.

Against Rapid-Onset Fiscal Purity 

If they want to make a difference in spending, Republicans will need a constant, long-term effort.

The Worst Supreme Court Decisions

According to more than 100 conservative and libertarian legal scholars.

MBD’s Lapse

I noticed a lacuna in MBD’s column about Pat Buchanan putting down his pen as a columnist.

What Is ‘Jim Crow 3.0’?

It’s hard to keep up these days.

When Should Cops Be Allowed to Stop Gun-Carriers?

The gun-rights revolution raises some thorny constitutional questions.

Federal Prosecutors Drop Charges against Afghan Military Vet Accused of Crossing Southern Border Illegally

Safi, 27, is a former lieutenant and intelligence officer in Afghanistan’s elite special forces who fought alongside American soldiers.

Exclusive — Elise Stefanik Previews Weaponization Committee: ‘Deep State Needs to Be Rooted Out’ of Agencies

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) expects the House’s newly created subcommittee examining the “weaponization” of the federal government to be “some of the most important work of the 118th Congress.”

‘Free Speech Absolutist’ Elon Musk Caves to Pressure from India to Censor Documentary Critical of Modi

Despite being a self-described "free speech absolutist," Elon Musk's Twitter has reportedly caved to censorship pressure from a foreign government. Musk has complied with requests from the Indian government to remove a BBC documentary critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

National Archives Demands Obama, Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Gore to Check Personal Records for Classified Docs 

The National Archives demanded the last six administration's presidents and vice presidents search their personal records for classified information after classified materials were found in the possession of former Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Mike Pence.

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