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Trump Calls for Peace Negotiations to End Ukraine War, Deportation of People Streaming Across U.S. Border

Former President Donald Trump called for peace negotiations to end the war between Russia and Ukraine and pledged he would quickly begin deporting illegal aliens if elected president while speaking at his first official campaign-trail event in South Carolina on Saturday night.

Amy Klobuchar Cites Two Pistol Attacks to Push ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Sen. Amy Klobuchar posted a video to Twitter in which she pushed an "assault weapons" ban in response to two shootings carried out with pistols.

Republicans, Democrats Seek to Reverse Joe Biden’s ‘Unconscionable’ Tariff Waivers for China

House Republicans and Democrats are looking to reverse President Joe Biden's tariff waivers for suspected Chinese companies that are reportedly funneling their solar panels through other countries to evade United States trade rules.

Report: British Army Tracked, Monitored Lockdown Critics

UK coronavirus lockdown critics were placed under government surveillance using the opaque resources of the country's military, a report alleges.

Pope Francis Decries ‘Spiral of Death’ Between Jews and Palestinians

Pope Francis has condemned the “spiral” of violence occurring in the Holy Land between Palestinians and Jews.

Trudeau Appoints Leftist ‘Anti-Hate’ Group Founder To Fight ‘Islamophobia’

Prime Minister Trudeau has appointed a former member of an Antifa-aligned anti-hate group to a government position to fight Islamophobia. 

Member of Islamic Fundamentalist Party Takes Over as Johannesburg Mayor

Thapelo Amad, a member of the Islamic fundamentalist party Al Jamah-ah, was elected mayor of Johannesburg, South Africa, despite representing a tiny faction in the city council.

Ukraine war, threats from China prompt return of nuclear anxiety

Here is a hair-raising inquiry. "Compared to five years ago, would you say there is a greater chance, a lesser chance, or about the same chance of a nuclear war?" The inquiry originated in a YouGov poll.

Mark Warner, Marco Rubio blast lack of answers on classified docs

In their pursuit of answers about the contents of the classified documents found in possession of President Biden and former President Donald Trump, senators on the Intelligence Committee on Sunday blasted intel officials over the lack of transparency.

Trump says he’s ‘more committed now’ in his first campaign events in New Hampshire, South Carolina

Former President Donald Trump over the weekend gave GOP supporters a glimpse into how he plans to freshen up his act and confront simmering concerns over him leading the 2024 ticket.

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