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Budowsky: Bipartisan Biden Can Lead, Govern and Win

At a moment in history when a significant majority of a bitterly divided nation hungers for a government that acts to serve their hopes and needs, and not engage in self-serving attacks and inquisitions, President Biden and Democrats have an extraordinary opportunity to do the right thing and appeal to the majority of the nation....

Coming soon: IRS on Big Tech steroids

The Internal Revenue Service is often the bane of working men and women, especially during this time of year. If you own your own business or ticked the wrong withholding box, you may be on the hook for hundreds or thousands of dollars in April. But in a matter of less than a decade, the...

Bring back dodo? Ambitious plan draws investors, critics

A company working on technologies to bring back extinct species has attracted more investors. Other scientists are skeptical such feats are possible or a good idea.

Republicans worry Kari Lake and Blake Masters will lose Arizona Senate race again in 2024

Kari Lake and Blake Masters ran unsuccessful campaigns for state office in Arizona last year, aligning themselves closely to former President Trump.

Michigan House Democrats vote to move state’s presidential primary to end of February

Democrats in the Michigan House voted to move the state's presidential primary. The primary is now set for the fourth week of February after the move was approved by the state Senate.

Pro-life activists look to 2024 presidential election hoping to influence GOP

Anti-abortion activists in the pro-life movement turn to the 2024 presidential election in hopes to sway Republicans and protect the rights of the unborn.

Democrats complain about new title of GOP ‘Work and Welfare’ subcommittee: ‘Racially offensive’

House Democrats this week objected to a GOP subcommittee on "work and welfare," and said the word "welfare" is a pejorative that should not be used in the committee.

Elon Musk ignores Dems, meets only with Republicans in first Capitol visit as Twitter CEO

Billionaire Elon Musk snubbed Congressional Democrats in his first visit to Capitol Hill since purchasing Twitter, the latest sign of his newfound Republican leanings.

Biden admin relents, expected to approve oil drilling permits in Alaska: Report

President Biden's administration is expected to relent on its opposition to new oil drilling sits in Alaska in the coming days, approving a plan for up to 5 sites.

House GOP tackles ‘Biden Border Crisis’ in hearing to focus on security, fentanyl

The House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing Wednesday on "The Biden Border Crisis," featuring a Texas judge, an Arizona sheriff, and a fentonyl awareness activist.

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