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Can Ron DeSantis Save Higher Ed?

Red states shouldn’t have woke public colleges and universities, and their colleges and universities should have mandatory Western Civ courses.

The College Board Backs Down (at Least in Part)

The College Board has stripped out some of the worst elements of its A.P. African-American studies course.

Surprise! Biden’s Treaty Extension with Putin Was Worthless All Along

Joe Biden spent a half a year touting an extension of the START treaty as a significant diplomatic breakthrough. Russia is now breaking that...

FBI Searches Biden’s Beach House as Part of Classified-Documents Probe

The FBI searched Biden’s Wilmington home last month.

Here Comes the 2024 Presidential-Candidate Stampede

We shouldn’t write nice profiles of presidential candidates.

Kris Kobach Is Holding NAAG Accountable

Kudos to Attorney General Kobach for asking the right questions and bringing into the sunlight an otherwise unaccountable quasi-governmental organization that has been very...

Secret Service confirms that hackers linked to Russia, China stole U.S. pandemic relief money

Criminal organizations backed by the Chinese and Russian governments have been linked to pandemic fraud, the U.S. Secret Service confirmed to Congress on Wednesday.

GOP leadership pushes Biden to speed up end of COVID-19 health emergency

House Republicans will push forward on Wednesday to pass another end of COVID-19 public health emergency legislation after claiming Mr. Biden caved to their pressure campaign to declare the pandemic over.

Trump endorses Rep. Jim Banks for open Indiana Senate seat

Former President Donald Trump threw his support behind Rep. Jim Banks on Tuesday for the U.S. Senate in Indiana.

Justice Department searches Biden’s home Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Justice Department investigators on Wednesday are conducting a search for classified documents at President Biden's residence in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, his personal attorney announced.

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