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Oklahoma weighs divesting billions from BlackRock, other finance firms over climate-friendly ESG

The world's largest financial institutions that do business with Oklahoma were put on notice by the state Wednesday that they're at risk of losing billions of dollars in business if they engage in climate-friendly investment practices that Republicans call "woke capitalism."

No classified documents found at Biden’s beach house; investigators remove handwritten notes

FBI agents did not uncover any classified materials during their search of President Biden's vacation home at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, but they did remove handwritten notes and materials related to Mr. Biden's time as vice president; his lawyer said Wednesday.

Sinaloa, Jalisco cartels in Mexico are the greatest drug threat in U.S. history: DEA official

Two Mexican cartels have foot soldiers in every U.S. state and "pose the greatest criminal drug threat the United States has ever faced," a top Drug Enforcement Administration official told a House panel Wednesday as it debated ways to stop the fentanyl crisis killing tens of thousands of Americans per year.

Lawmakers find common ground on supporting entrepreneurship in U.S. workforce

House lawmakers have found an area of bipartisan interest in a divided Congress: American entrepreneurship.

Biden’s CFPB proposes capping credit card late fees to $8

President Biden's administration proposed new regulations Tuesday capping fees that credit card companies can charge for most late payments to $8.

Anti-socialism resolution puts House Democrats on the spot

House Republicans are putting Democrats on the record for their views on socialism with a vote on a resolution Wednesday that condemns the leftist ideology.

Senate Republicans move to block D.C. plan for illegal immigrants voting in local elections

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas filed a resolution Wednesday seeking to block the D.C. government from implementing a plan that allows illegal immigrants to vote in local elections.

We don’t need racial quotas to showcase America’s diversity

The ordinarily fluent and unperturbed Justice Elena Kagan seemed, judging from the transcript, to be sputtering a bit in the oral argument of the Supreme Court’s case challenging the racial quotas and preferences used in admissions by the University of North Carolina.

Biden’s ‘physical’ is long overdue and so is his withdrawal from 2024 race

President Joe Biden’s shamefully belated full physical exam is now scheduled for Feb. 16, but we need no doctor’s assessment to know, intuitively and by observation, that Biden is too old to run for reelection.

Investing in the ‘thin green line’ that secures America’s food supply

America now has just 1.2 acres of farmable land per person.

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