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Hunter Biden’s ‘Prosecute My Critics’ Gambit

Maybe a January 6 Committee–style subpoena could straighten all this out.

What J. D. Vance Can Tell Us about Race Relations

Before he became what he is now, Vance had some worthwhile things to say on how conservatives should view police misconduct.

Have Corporations Given Up on Woke Virtue-Signaling?

Corporations are beginning to stay silent on public controversies, Axios reports.

The False Promise of Transgender Centrism

There is no ‘moderate’ version of a project that seeks to destroy the idea of distinctions between men and women.

Bye, Bye, DiFi? Pelosi Issues Qualified Endorsement of Schiff for Feinstein Seat

Pelosi said she will endorse Schiff provided the 89-year-old opts not to run for reelection in 2024.

House Votes to Remove Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee over Antisemitic Remarks

Omar ‘cannot be an objective decision-maker. . . given her biases against Israel and against the Jewish people,’ Max Miller (R., Ohio) said Thursday.

Democrat launches ’24 campaign against Kevin McCarthy

A Fresno Democrat has launched a long-shot bid to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy next year, accusing the Republican of abandoning his central California district.

White House says Russian, Belarusian athletes should not compete under flags at Paris 2024 Olympics

The White House said Thursday it supports a crackdown on Russian and Belarusian officials' participation in global sports and that athletes from those countries who compete in the 2024 Summer Games should not be allowed to display their national symbols.

Durbin demands details about work by indicted FBI official involved in Trump-Russia investigation

The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday demanded the FBI and Justice Department provide more information about the investigations overseen by Charles McGonigal, who was arrested last month on criminal charges.

Ilhan Omar kicked off Foreign Affairs Committee

The House on Thursday removed Rep. Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee for her antisemitic and anti-Israel rhetoric.

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