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Authors of the Law Biden Used to Wipe Out Student Debt Declare He Doesn’t Have the Authority

The former representatives who wrote the HEROES Act told SCOTUS it’s being ‘misused and distorted’ to advance the administration’s student-loan plan.

U.S. Strengthening Ties with the Philippines — Good

Defense Secretary Austin announced a deal allowing the U.S. access to four more sites on the island nation, a strategic boon.

‘The Shortest Détente Ever’

The Chinese spy balloon has punctured any hopes for the empty détente between the U.S. and China.

‘This Is the White House, What’s Your Emergency?’

Even with the Covid-19 declarations being ended, expect the emergencies — and the powers and spending latitude that come with them — to keep...

Why We Need Western Civ

Universities have been conducting an unprecedented experiment in historical amnesia on American students.

Senate Democrats kill Gov. Glenn Youngkin-backed bill on school awards in Virginia

Virginia Senate Democrats this week voted down a priority measure for Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin that would have required student and parental notification about certain scholastic awards.

Senators introduce bill to help military veterans ripped off by scammers

A bipartisan duo in the Senate wants to make it easier for families of veterans fleeced by financial scams to recoup misused benefits.

Nikki Haley to hit Trump on age issue, say its time for a new generation of GOP leaders

After Donald Trump called 2024 soon-to-be presidential rival Nikki Haley "overly ambitious," she took to Twitter to revive a proposal she floated over a year ago that every person serving in public office be required to take a cognitive test.

Biden to boast of economic successes in State of the Union address

President Biden will use his State of the Union speech on Tuesday to take a victory lap and test his reelection pitch, claiming credit for a robust economy and keeping global allies unified against Russia's war on Ukraine.

Report: Navy ships face growing maintenance delays, costs

Navy ships are getting fewer steaming hours because of growing maintenance delays and costs, a troubling trend that comes as at time when the U.S. is struggling to keep pace with China's growing fleet.

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