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Virginia GOP star vows to end Democrat ‘roadblock’ of Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s agenda

Republican Virginia Delegate and state Senate candidate Emily Brewer has is vowing to end Democrats' roadblock of Gov. Glenn Youngkin's agenda.

Trump, top national security officials refute claim that Chinese spy balloons transited US under last admin

EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump and a number of his top national security and defense officials refuted Biden administration officials' claims that Chinese surveillance balloons briefly transited the continental United States during the Trump administration, saying it “never happened.”

Cotton says spy balloon morphed into trial balloon testing Biden’s strength: ‘the president failed’

Senate Intellifence Committee member Sen. Tom Cotton warned that President Biden failed a test of his strength by allowing a Chinese spy balloon to fly across the U.S.

This Day in Liberal Judicial Activism—February 5

Unhappy with the Supreme Court’s rulings against New Deal legislation, President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces a plan to expand the Court to as many...

DeSantis Has Much More Work to Do on Higher Ed

As is so often the case, the Left is using public funds to advance its belief system. Pulling the plug on this is essential.

Columbia Journalism Review excoriates mainstream media for trumped-up coverage of Trump-Russia ties

The media watchdog Columbia Journalism Review, after investigating mainstream "Russiagate" coverage, including the 2018 New York Times and Washington Post material that won a Pulitzer, found that the press omitted facts that contradicted their narrative.

An ambitious, bipartisan pro-life legislative agenda

An ambitious pro-life agenda that protects children in vulnerable populations is urgently necessary in the United States.

Taiwan: Chinese balloon incident should not be ‘tolerated’ by international community

Taiwan said that the suspected Chinese spy balloon that was flying over the U.S. “should not be tolerated by the civilized international community,” adding that Beijing should stop conduct that causes regional instability. “Such actions by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government contravene international law, breach the airspace of other countries, and violate their sovereignty,”...

As a US Navy fighter pilot, I witnessed unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). Congress must reveal the truth to the American people

Congress is exercising its oversight of a national security and air safety issue that was going under reported, ignored and even suppressed due to the stigma of UFOs

The DeSantis strategy: Ignore an increasingly agitated Trump

Name-calling and false claims won't work against a possible opponent whose stock is rising. This ain't Jeb Bush. And it ain’t 2016 anymore.

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