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Buckley’s Corner: Presidents — Dumb but Never Stupid

Considering ‘Deploring Bush,’ Buckley’s long-form observation from 2006.

D.C. Judge Argues 13th Amendment Prohibiting Slavery May Provide Constitutional Right to Abortion

Judge Kollar-Kotelly made the argument while weighing in on a case involving pro-life protesters charged with blocking access to a clinic.

This Day in Liberal Judicial Activism—February 7

2017—In his desperate effort to obstruct the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to propagate the myth that...

The Biggest Threat to Public Education? Radical Teachers’ Unions

Extreme teachers’ unions can create devastating effects for students and families, and the only ones who benefit financially are the unions’ own elites.

No, Slavery Didn’t Create Capitalism

Slavery has been a fact of human existence throughout recorded history. Why did it suddenly create capitalism a couple of centuries ago in a...

Black White Supremacy Is Not Really a Thing, in 2023

As more details of the tragic Tyre Nichols case become clear, actual facts militate against the view that radicals prefer.

Colorado on Track to Eliminate Its Income Tax

Democratic governor Jared Polis has laudably bucked his party to prioritize scrapping the tax. Now, he must back up his rhetoric with action.

China’s Dangerous but Inevitable Decline

The country’s perilous situation is a troubling concern for the region, for the U.S., and for the world. We need to prepare.

DirecTV says it would welcome back Newsmax under the right terms

DirecTV says it is disappointed that it no longer carries Newsmax and that its rift with Newsmax stemmed from a financial spat, rejecting claims it dropped the conservative news outlet for political reasons.

White House says Bono, Paul Pelosi and Ukraine’s ambassador are among SOTU guests

First lady Jill Biden on Tuesday said her guest list at the State of the Union will include Bono, Paul Pelosi and the mother and stepfather of Tyre Nichols, the Memphis man who died after he was beaten by police following a traffic stop.

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