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Biden only mentioned China 3 times in 2022 State of the Union address

President Joe Biden only mentioned China and Chinese President Xi Jinping three times during his last State of the Union address on March 1, 2022.

Green groups targeting blue-collar lobstermen are largely funded by dark money

Multiple groups that have for years partnered to sue the federal government have raked in millions of dollars from dark money networks fueled by undisclosed liberal donors.

Chinese spy balloons over US during Trump admin ‘discovered after’ he left office: senior Biden official

Information suggesting that Chinese spy balloons traveled over the continental United States during the Trump administration was “discovered after” former President Trump left office, a senior administration official told Fox News.

Chinese surveillance balloon: Pentagon to brief US Senate on Feb. 15, Schumer says

The Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment will brief the full U.S. Senate some time next week on the Chinese surveillance balloon that was shot down on Saturday.

Progressives bewailing NYC’s black exodus have only themselves to blame

New York City’s black population has dropped 9% since 2000, with the exodus apparently accelerating after the eight disastrous de Blasio years.

Letters to the Editor — Feb. 5, 2023

Post readers sound off on removal of historical figures' names on NYC streets, rent control and more.

New York’s kid-vaccination collapse is a grim result of ‘expert’ COVID misinfo

Chalk up yet another deadly disaster to the authoritarian bungling of public health “experts”: City Health Department data show that rates for standard childhood...

Letters to the Editor — Feb. 6, 2023

The Issue: The removal of Reps. Ilhan Omar, Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff from their committees.

Letters to the Editor — Feb. 4, 2023

Post readers sound off on the surveillance balloon over the US.

Suicide Tourism Comes to Oregon

Assisted-suicide activists always promise that strict guidelines will protect against abuse. It’s a big con.

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