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GOP sets up vote on Parents Bill of Rights to stop public school ‘insanity’

House Republicans next week will pass a bill outlining a 'Parents Bill of Rights,' a response to growing criticism about questionable school policies across the country.

Donald Trump holds tight grasp on most, but not all, of GOP base

While Donald Trump held a tight grasp on much of the Republican base, not all GOP voters remained loyal. A small portion showed opposition to Trump by supporting Biden for president.

Maryland House approves framework measure that enables recreational marijuana to be sold in stores

The Maryland House has approved a measure that would build a framework for selling recreational marijuana in stores. The bill will now head to the Senate floor.

Pence spokesman fires back at Karine Jean-Pierre’s ‘faux’ outrage following former VP’s joke about Buttigieg

A spokesman for former Vice President Mike Pence lashed out at the White House following Karine Jean-Pierre expressing outrage over a joke Pence told at the annual Gridiron Dinner.

New Mexico lawmakers hash out record spending plan of $9.6 billion

Lawmakers in New Mexico are hashing out a record spending plan of $9.6 billion, which was crafted from a financial windfall linked to natural gas production.

Massive oil project sparked civil war within Biden administration, lawmakers say

Biden administration officials actively worked behind-the-scenes last week to tank a decision green-lighting the Willow Project, an oil drilling project derided by environmentalists.

Senators seek to block Ford Motors from working with Chinese battery company: ‘I’ll be damned’

Sens. Marco Rubio and Joe Manchin are teaming up to block Ford Motor Co. from working with CATL, a Chinese battery manufacturer to make batteries for new cars in the U.S.

Trump makes first stop in Iowa this cycle just days after DeSantis, expands 2024 campaign ground game

As former President Trump makes his first stop in Iowa since launching his third White House run, his 2024 campaign staff is rapidly expanding in size.

Senate GOP gets its own Silicon Valley Bank briefing after complaining about Treasury ‘exclusion’

Republicans claimed last night that some of their members were "excluded" from the Treasury Department's Silicon Valley Bank briefing on Sunday night.

Florida Democrat forgets the Pledge of Allegiance at first public meeting

Sabina Covo, a Miami city commissioner, forgot the Pledge of Allegiance at her first city commission meeting after being elected in a special election.

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