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Wanted: Evidence-based discourse on pandemic origins and prevention

If the Chinese government can be faulted for its lack of transparency, let’s show that we can do better.

Silicon Valley Bank depositors will have access to all funds starting Monday: fed agencies

Silicon Valley Bank customers will be able to access all of their funds starting on Monday, federal agencies said in a statement released on Sunday. "Depositors will have access to all of their money starting Monday, March 13. No losses associated with the resolution of Silicon Valley Bank will be borne by the taxpayer," said...

Republicans brace for Tim Scott’s entrance into 2024 race

Republicans are bracing for Sen. Tim Scott’s (S.C.) increasingly likely entrance into the 2024 presidential race, arguing that he could be a voice for unity in a party that has become dominated by grievance politics. Scott hasn’t made a formal decision on a 2024 run but has moved quickly to lay the groundwork for a...

Biden blocks some Arctic oil drilling as Willow decision looms

The Biden administration on Sunday announced actions aimed at limiting oil and gas drilling in Alaska as it is also expected to soon approve a controversial 30-year oil project. The Biden administration is blocking 2.8 million acres in the Arctic Ocean from oil and gas drilling and will also propose additional protections for 13 million acres of...

Don’t destroy entrepreneurship with poorly designed antitrust legislation

Start ups are the lifeblood of innovation in the United States. Venture capital funded start ups disproportionately produce tech innovation. Yet, the proposed Senate American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA), which once again was the subject of Senate hearings and focuses on “self preferencing” by large tech firms, may have negative unintended consequences regarding tech acquisitions by companies covered by the...

Biden indefinitely blocks millions of acres of land, water from future oil drilling

The Department of Interior announced aggressive actions blocking fossil fuel production in and off the coast of Alaska ahead of an expected announcement green-lighting other drilling.

Border crisis: over 1000 migrants rush bridge linking Mexico to U.S. in El Paso, Texas: video

A group of more than 1,000 migrants, mainly from Venezuela, rushed the Paso Del Norte bridge in El Paso, Texas on Sunday in an effort to enter the U.S.

Democrats’ Asian-voter crisis, making new tobacco criminals and other commentary

What had been Democrats’ “coming Asian voter problem has, in fact, arrived,” argues The Liberal Patriot’s Ruy Teixeira.

The Real Reason Silicon Valley Bank Collapsed

As is the case with most episodes like this, there is not one story at play, but many — there is not one lesson,...

As Biden weighs Willow project, he saves other areas from drilling: Report

President Biden will prevent or limit oil drilling in 16 million acres in Alaska and the Arctic Ocean, an administration official said on Sunday.

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