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Tim Scott suggests rivals for 2024 GOP nomination are planting stories about his unmarried status

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott suggests his GOP “opponents" for the 2024 presidential nomination are behind recent stories spotlighting his status as a bachelor.

NYC teachers win jobs back with backpay after refusing COVID-19 vaccine

New York City educators fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine won their jobs back with backpay after a judge ruled the city unlawfully rejected their religious exemptions.

Pence says he supports an impeachment inquiry by House Republicans

Former Vice President Pence said there is an “ethical cloud" hanging over the Biden family and President Biden’s administration, while telling Fox News Digital he would support an impeachment inquiry led by House Republicans.

Bidenomics is going global. The world is skeptical.

President Joe Biden heads to India this week with a rare task for U.S. leaders — courting the developing world. Biden’s trip to the...

Biden’s boasts about new jobs leave out crucial labor participation rate data

President Joe Biden doesn't have much to brag about in his slow-growth economic record. But there is a kernel of truth in one component of his incessant Bidenomics boasts. The nation's unemployment rate has remained near half-century lows — despite more than a year of an aggressive monetary tightening campaign by the Federal Reserve.

The GOP’s backup quarterback should stay on the bench

Donors may think he’s a Romney-esque throwback, but underneath he’s nothing of the sort.

Where schooling stands: Public, private, and home schools by the numbers

The gains made by school choice advocates mean that more than at any time in recent memory, public schooling isn’t the only form of education parents can choose for their children. As home schooling has grown, especially post-pandemic, and voucher programs, or education savings accounts, slowly spread state by state, it’s a good time to take a look at the state of our nation’s K-12 education, system by system, heading into the new school year.

Majority of voters believe Biden has worsened the economy

Gas prices are higher than they were a year ago. So are flour, rice, spaghetti, ground beef, sirloin steak, lemons, strawberries, and ice cream prices. And reports from earlier this summer showed that the cost of eating at restaurants and electricity prices are higher than last year.

Charlie Kelly is no Little Tramp

Is Charlie Day funny? The sitcom writer and star is obviously successful, having anchored the cast of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia for 16 squirm-inducing seasons. Yet even that achievement offers little in the way of proof of concept. IASIP, as its frat boy and nihilist fans have come to know it, is a tribute to human depravity in which laughs are an occasional byproduct. (Sample episode title: “The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby.”) I won’t say the show has never made me smile, but it’s been an expression of astonishment, not pleasure. Perhaps God chuckled as he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

Fan or athlete, the NCAA hates you

As college football gets back underway, it is important to remember all college sports are under the control of an organization that hates its athletes and you, the fans.

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