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Democratic congressman reads AI-generated speech on House floor

When U.S. Rep. Jake Auchincloss decided to deliver a speech on a bill that would create a U.S.-Israel artificial intelligence center, he opted to let the AI do the talking.

DHS released 1,100 criminals from detention in December

Homeland Security released more than 1,100 illegal immigrants with criminal records from its detention facilities in December as it sought to make room for a border surge that never materialized.

Senators move to create an inspector general to probe NIH funding

A group of Republican senators introduced legislation on Tuesday to create an inspector general at the National Institutes of Health to probe how the agency is doling out taxpayer money, which became an issue because of the money trail leading to China's Wuhan lab.

Woman pleads guilty to sending ricin in 2020 letter to Trump

A Canadian woman pleaded guilty Wednesday to mailing a threatening letter containing the poison ricin to then-President Donald Trump at the White House.

Midwestern Dems seek greater heft in Congress

Midwestern Democrats want to amplify their voice in Congress after feeling like second-class citizens to their coastal counterparts.

Biden says U.S. tanks for Ukraine are ‘not an offensive threat’ to Russia

President Biden announced in an about-face Wednesday that the U.S. is sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine in an effort to help shift the battlefield against Russian invaders.

Senators restart push for foreign lobbying crackdown amid concern about China

A bipartisan coalition of eight senators is jump-starting an effort to crack down on schemes by China, Russia and other adversaries that skirt lobbying law and influence American policymakers.

Medicare and Social Security are doomed unless a bipartisan effort saves them

New Congressional Budget Office projections for Social Security and Medicare ought to convince President Joe Biden and Congress to create a new commission on entitlement reform.

Assessing Russia’s Zircon missile threat in the Mediterranean Sea

With the West set to provide Ukraine with around 100 tanks, Russia faces yet another challenge in its struggling war in Ukraine. Attempting to alleviate this pressure, Vladimir Putin's government is escalating its brinkmanship. The Kremlin wants to scare European nations in pursuit of two objectives. First, their reduced support for Ukraine. Second, their pressuring of the U.S. to make Ukraine agree to a cease-fire on terms favorable to Russia.

Are public employee unions unconstitutional?

How did it come to pass that public employee unions, which scarcely existed 60 years ago, have come to run public schools and myriad state and local government agencies?

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