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Train in vain: The MTA’s East Side Access boondoogle will make things worse for some

The MTA, and the entire state, need to set up controls to ensure no taxpayer-supported entity does anything this dumb ever again.  

Up is down and inside is out for uber progressive Mike Gianaris

If moderate Dems don't stand up against these backroom dealings, progressives will either lock in permanent hard-left control of New York — or force...

Why the world needs more big families like ours amid the population crisis

January is plenty depressing already — all those plunging temperatures and joyless resolutions — so we hesitate to burden you with more gloom. But...

What other terms need to go after ‘LatinX’

Immediately after being sworn in this month as the new governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed an executive order eliminating the word “Latinx”...

How Israel is using digital diplomacy to win in Iran

Four hundred and fifty million. That’s the number of times social media users across the globe engaged with Farsi-languge digital content generated by Israel’s...

Why NYC must keep its markets global

Our “global capital” status means welcoming as many UK pounds, euros, Chinese renminbi, Japanese yen, Israeli shekels, Moroccan dirham and Saudi riyal as we...

Republicans Are Right to Retaliate against Omar, Schiff, and Swalwell

In this particular case, Republicans can best enforce the norm by demonstrating their willingness to retaliate proportionally.

No, Republicans Shouldn’t Recruit Kyrsten Sinema

Getting Sinema to join the GOP is neither wise nor necessary for Republicans and conservatives, and switching parties would be of dubious value to...

Here’s How the Left Reacts to a Decrease in Educational Power

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently appointed several new trustees of the state’s New College who intend to depoliticize education there. Of course, that’s just...

Paul Pelosi Attacker Calls In to TV Station to ‘Apologize’ for Not Going Far Enough

‘I’m so sorry I didn’t get more of them,’ David DePape said in a five-minute phone call.

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